OWWWWwwwwwowowwowowowwwowowwwwoow gasp! GASP!! oowwwowowowwwwwwfuhhhhfuuhhhhhhhhhuhhhh [just sitting down at the computer…and why is it harder to SIT than to stand?!]
ggggeeeeh! ggggeeeeeeeehhhhh fuuuh gasp! fuhhuhhuhiuhhhhh guuhhhhh gasp! [just bringing what feels like bloody arm stumps up to type]
Whyy does no one everr mention how “high-energy” Tony Horton iiis?!? (and whenn I say high-energyy I mean it in a manicc, Jack Nicholson-in-the-Shining “Here’s Johnny!” sortt of way.)
And whhy are my fingers not working?! Did I literally work EVERY muscle (including my finger muscles) yesterday during my “Day 1” of P90X??
The finger muscle exercises may have happened during what I call the “Spider man scaling the wall vertically” move. Tony calls them Calestanga Runs. (Or something like that. I couldn’t see what was actually listed on the t.v. screen through the film of stinging sweat in my eyes.) And full-disclosure, we didn’t actually scale walls vertically but we might as well have because I wasn’t able to do it horizontally either.
But how can this be? How can I have sooooo many sore, sore muscles. (And internal organs. We must have been working internal organs too. Can internal organs actually hurt? Why yes, yes they can.) I run 6.2 miles every-other-day. (that’s 10K for those of you who – in your youth – were also threatened with the possibility of the Metric System becoming the defacto measurement standard in the US. Never did happen, did it? But still, that’s the one metric-fun-fact I remember so I thought I’d trot it out!) So it’s not like I don’t exercise! I do!!! And in fact I had this cockamamie plan in my head where I would alternate my every-other-day running with P90X. Thus making it P180X.
Bad plan. Bad, bad plan.
GUH! GGgggggguuuuhhhhhuhuhhhhh. FFFFFFffffrick!!! fffrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfrrrrrrrrr gasp! (getting up from the computer and going to take a shower now)
eeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhh