Ok…I caught some flack yesterday for my lame summer plans comprised of books and stilts.
Just to level-set here: A) Why would you expect a whole run-down of fun and creative summer plans?!? I’m NOT an activities director. A job like that pays CRAP and forces you to spend time with people. I don’t really like people. Even mini ones. And B) Did you really think I’m THAT much of a dolt?!? Of course we have plans above-and-beyond what was mentioned in yesterday’s blog. I always bring my “A” Game in everything I do. Whether it be Product Marketing or Stay at home mom-ing. I just didn’t mention said plans because they revolve around my summer nemesis. SPORTS!
A variety of summer sports are always waiting in the wings. Always. Making me run hither and yon and in general annoying the *bleep* out of me with their demands for packed lunches, water bottles, snacks, sunscreen, sunflower seeds, hats, clean uniforms, dry towels, blah blah BLAH!!
For Sissy, this week alone we have:
- M – 1/2 day basketball camp (9-12), 1/2 day volleyball camp (1-4), evening swim practice (5-6)
- T – 1/2 day basketball camp (9-12), 1/2 day volleyball camp (1-4), evening swim practice (5-6)
- W – 1/2 day basketball camp (9-12), 1/2 day volleyball camp (1-4), morning swim practice (9-10 am) which she missed see aforementioned sports camps, softball GAME 5:30 – 8 pm
- Th – 1/2 day basketball camp (9-12), 1/2 day volleyball camp (1-4), morning swim practice (9-10 am) which she missed see aforementioned sports camps, softball practice 4:30-6 pm THEN 6-8 pm is Pasta Fuel Night for the swim meet on Friday
- F – 1/2 day basketball camp (9-12), 1/2 day volleyball camp (1-4), swim meet (6:45-11 am) which she’ll miss see aforementioned sports camp, softball GAME 5:30-8
And even though she tried out for competitive soccer and got on the team she wanted, she decided not to play soccer again this year (thank God for small favors!)
For Sonny, this week we have:
- M – evening swim practice (5-6), baseball practice 7-8 pm
- T – wrestling camp 1-5 pm, evening swim practice (5-6) which he missed see wrestling camp
- W – wrestling camp 9-12, morning swim practice (9-10 am) which he missed see wrestling camp, baseball practice 7-8 pm
- Th – wrestling camp 9-12, morning swim practice (9-10 am) which he’ll miss see wrestling camp, 6-8 pm is Pasta Fuel Night for the swim meet on Friday
- F – first swim meet ever and he doesn’t know 2 of the 4 required strokes (breast and butterfly. I don’t know them either!) and the funny part is that I’m working the hospitality booth at the meet. Uh…what part about not liking sports or people do you not get?!? I don’t think “hospitality” is the place for me. Unless it involves drinking. Lots of it. In which case I can be counted on to trot out my hostess-with-the-mostess schtick.
So…this whole exercise (pun intended – hardy har har) was just my way of saying, “See? Activities, schmactivities. Who needs activities? Or a life?! When you have SPORTS!!!?”
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