We’ve got a new rule in our house. If you are under the age of 10, it’s a week-end/other day off, it’s morning and you’re up? Please stay in your bedroom with the door closed until the clock shows eight-zero-zero. And try to be vewy, vewy qwiet.
The good mommy is trying to catch up on her sleep.
She’s the first one in the house who’s up in the morning and the last one to bed at night and when she has some time to sleep in, she wants to sleep in!
If she doesn’t get a chance to sleep in, then mean mommy comes to roost and all Lenten Promises fly right out the window.
I don’t know why the midgets-who-live-here have such a hard time sleeping in anyway. It’s virtually impossible to get them out of bed at 6:30 am on a school day. Yet all of a sudden – when there’s a day off – they’re up BEFORE 6:30?!? It’s like some weird snow day clause goes into effect and the excitement over having a day off and NOT having to get up means you have to…what else?!…get UP!!!
So. Hopefully this new rule will lead to quieter, more relaxing week-end mornings. No more yelling “turn down the t.v.!!!” or “stop fighting over the remote!!” or even “close your door because I can hear ALL the rocket ship noises AND the sound your legos make as you scrape through them to build MORE rocket ships!!!!!”
And yes, you can go all the way down to the basement to watch t.v.. As long as the basement door is closed and the t.v. is turned down low and there’s no fighting over the remote! A big thank you to you, Midget #1, for seeking this clarification on the what-can-we-do-on-a-Saturday-before-eight-zero-zero rule. AT SIX-THREE-ZERO!!!
And Midget #2? You are super cute with your “I haven’t seen you all night and wanted to come give you a kiss” stuff. BUT IT’S NOT EIGHT-ZERO-ZERO YET!!!!
Now go away. And shhhhh. Shhhhhh! Be vewy, vewy qwiet. Mean mommy might hear us.
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