My husband’s been in the spices again. You know how I know? I found “dill” situated between “orange peel” and “oregano.” Dead giveaway. “D” spices don’t belong in the “O” spice section.
No. I’m not joking. Why? Did it seem like I was?! How do you keep YOUR spices (if not in strict alphabetical order)??
The old (hut-hum…polite throat clearing), that is to say “former” working-woman me would have kept them in the cupboard above the stove just all thrown in there and jumbled. Which meant that I was constantly buying more marjoram. Now the new stay at home mom me has the spices alphabetized and organized on those two-tiered, lazy-susans. All spices are available at the twirl of the wrist (just don’t get giddy from alphabetization and twirl too hard because that sends some of the lighter containers flying towards the back where they will languish in anonymity for the rest of their lives).
Granted my marjoram section is three containers deep but I don’t have to buy any more until 2029, so I’m saving money.
Organized spices means I know what spices I have at-a-glance. As a result? Less of the one-income goes to buying spices unnecessarily. Brilliant!
This is one of the many fun, time-consuming ways we stay at homers save money. We organize and thus economize on our spices. Hopefully this neat little trick will save me from ever having to get a job again.
Like I said…brilliant! Right?
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