Is there anything more anticlimactic than taking down the Christmas Tree?!?
The joy and hope of the season is gone. And in its place is drudgery and annoyance.
Speaking of which – is there anything more annoying than those fragile ornaments that require special handling and have their own boxes into which they have to be placed vewy, vewy carefewy?!
Total PIMA*! (PIMA, yes. But yet not quite as PIMA as dealing with the unemployment office or the prescription portion of my husband’s health insurance.)
Also, just a word-to-the-wise: when disassembling the Christmas tree, don’t save those fragile ornaments “for last.” Take ’em down first. Otherwise you’ll find yourself blogging while your husband is in the other room gluing the bottom to a porcelain ornament you received too many eons ago to remember where you got it from (it’s topped with rosebud decorations that look like frosting on a wedding cake overlaid with superfine gold glitter which I’m sure will be all over Hubby’s face when next I visit doctor and patient in post-op).
And no! I haven’t started Ptotally horrible 90-Xcruciating! (That’s P90X to the uninitiated.) Thanks for bringing it up.
Now I’m REALLY annoyed!!
*If you’re my mother, PIMA stands for Pain In My Attitude. Hi Mom!