I spent the morning cleaning for the cleaning lady’s visit tomorrow. And when I say “cleaning” I really mean “tidying” and “putting away.” It’s just that I want her to have a completely blank canvas on which to work her magic when she comes!
It’s also that I’m feeling really guilty about even having a cleaning lady. I mean, come on! I’ve got TIME now…so I can clean my own bleeping house!! Which means the whole watching-someone-clean-my-house-even-though-I-can-clean-it-myself methodology will soon be going away. So I want to make the most of her (last…big sigh) visit. If I can only maximize her dusting now, I won’t have to dust again in two weeks. Or maybe I’ll just have to dust less?!
Since I had my first child 10 years ago, I haven’t cleaned my own house. With both of us working and wanting to spend quality time with the babies, my husband and I decided it was very worth our while to pay a housecleaning service to free us up for the more important things in life.
So now what?!
In the midst of all this house-cleaning angst, I met a working friend for lunch (she paid because she knows I don’t have a job! Hey, I’m not THAT lame…I picked up the tip!). During said lunch, we observed two woman who had 4 Coors Lights and 3 bloody mary’s between them and got louder as lunch progressed. I can’t say whether they were stay at home moms for sure but judging by what we “overheard” there at the end, they were.
We also observed two women who were dressed professionally and seemed to have come from a meeting (whether they were mothers or not, I couldn’t say). But they ordered Grey Goose and tonics before they ordered lunch. My friend and I looked at our unsweetened ice tea and we both came to the same conclusion. No matter what camp you fall into – working woman, stay at home mom – we’re clearly doing our lunches all wrong.
More drinks for everyone!!!
Then, since my husband is out of town on a business trip, I spent the rest of the afternoon futilely trying to replicate myself in order to get my children to two different activities in two different places, at the same time. But I would have been doing that whether I was working or not – and with just about the same degree of success.