Well…it’s Friday. Is there any other child of the 80’s out there who has that Loverboy song running around in their head, or is it just me? “Working for the Week-end.” Remember it?
Here’s my stay at home mom interpretation:
Everybody’s working for the week-end! (Uh…well…except for me, that is.)
Everybody wants a little romance. (Hmmm…perhaps. I AM reading 50 Shades of Grey, after all.)
Everybody’s goin’ off the deep end! (Maybe me too.)
Everybody needs a second chance! (Ok…for sure me on this one.)
I just caught up on your blog. You are so funny, I love today’s as Loverboy totally brings back the memories; the “you say you love…….” and the story about cleaning your own house:) Teachers and house cleaners are totally underpaid!!! Hope the van is running better. Hugs!!!