Summer’s here and I’m really struggling with my job plans. I mean, if I got a job now, WHAT WOULD I DO WITH THE KIDS?!? [you all know signing up for summer camps, nannies, daycare etc. needed to be done in January at the latest. But mostly at the end of LAST summer. Am I right??]
But by the same token, while I’m kinda looking forward to my first-ever-summer-without-a-job-as-an-adult, I’m seized with guilt about how I can go a whole summer without a job!!
What to do, what to do.
In the meantime, my daughter paid me a nice compliment after I made her a sandwich to eat post-softball practice.
“Mom! This is the BEST SANDWICH!! It’s so good that you could get a JOB making sandwiches!!!”
Now, I mentioned that this was after softball practice, right? A practice that lasted 2.5 hours, what with travel time and all. And it was 8:30 at night. And she was FAMISHED! I could have made a sandwich out of two pieces of cardboard and slathered dust on it and she probably would have said the same thing.
But it’s good to know I have career options.