In honor of a favorite Sponge Bob Squarepants’ episode of ours entitled “The Best Day Ever”…for Spring Break, we decided to create our OWN best day ever. The day consisted of:
- Watching cartoons in p.j.’s all morning
- Going indoor skydiving
- Going to lunch at Red Robin and getting milkshakes
- Watching videos of the kids as babies
- Taking the dog for a walk (reality has to intrude sometime)
- Jumping on the neighbor’s trampoline (It’s fine; it’s NOT a lawsuit waiting to happen. In fact, they encourage the kids to come to their trampoline by lining it with sharp rocks. See? Totally fine.)
- Having junk food night (where you eat all junk all the time – a variety of chips, Easter candy, cookies etc. until you’re sick to your stomach. Good times.)
- Having movie night (simultaneously WITH junk food night. It doesn’t get any better than that!)
- Going to bed without taking a shower
The best day ever, 9-and-10-year-old-style.
MY best day ever? Would consist of sleeping until noon. Staying in my p.j.’s all day. Taking a nap from 2 to 4. Getting started with junk food slash movie night as soon as the nap was over (the kids are on to something with this one-two punch). I’d totally skip my date with Tony Horton and I’d maybe fit in reading a trashy romance novel. Who’s with me??! It’s the besssst daaaaaay EeeeVVVVEEERRRRR!